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Essendant Market Xpert YouTube Video Series

Video 5: Bid Wizard – Importing Excel Files

  • This guide is a step by step guide for importing an Excel file into Bid Wizard.
  • Watch the video


Ø  Before you begin, make sure you have a clean Excel file as outlined in Market Xpert Bid Wizard – Excel File Preparation

Ø  Make sure that the Excel file you want to import is not open in Microsoft Excel. Market Xpert cannot import an Excel file that is open

Ø  Login to your Market Xpert account

Ø  Click the Bid Wizard link on the toolbar

Ø  Click the Start a New Bid Button

Ø  Type in an ID for this Bid. The ID uniquely identifies this bid and you cannot have two bids with the same ID

Ø  Type in a Bid Name. This can be any text you want to help you identify this particular bid

·         The Bid Name field is searchable so keep that in mind as you enter the text for this field

Ø  Make sure "My Excel File" is selected in the drop-down box

Ø  Click the Next Button

Ø  If you have entered a duplicate or invalid Bid ID, Market Xpert will display an error message in red that you must correct before proceeding

Ø  Click the Browse Button in Internet Explorer and Firefox, or Choose File Button in Chrome to browse your computer and locate the Excel file you want to import

Ø  Select the Excel file from your computer

·         The file name should appear in the box next to the Browse/Choose File Button

Ø  Click the Upload File button

Ø  Excel files can contain multiple worksheets. You can pick the worksheet using the provided drop-down box

·         Click the View Data Sample link to verify you have the correct file and worksheet selected

Ø  Once you are sure the file and worksheet is correct, click the Next Button

Ø  On the Bid Wizard Mapping page, you tell Bid Wizard what type of item number and select the item column headings in your file

·         The default is a single column containing your item number, but you can also select Separate Prefix Column and Number Column if your item number is in two columns

Ø  On the right, use the drop-down to select the column heading name from your Excel file

·         This is where it is important to have good, clean and consistent column headings in your Excel file

Ø  Once you select the type of item column in your file and the column name in your Excel file, you have completed Bid Wizard Required Mapping

Ø  You can click the Next Button now, or continue filling out the Optional Mapping on this page

Ø  The Optional Mapping allows you to import other fields in your Excel file into Bid Wizard where that can be used for various functions

Ø  You do this by mapping the column headings in your Excel file to Bid Wizard mappings using the drop-down box under "Map To"

Ø  Bid Wizard has six standard fields and fifteen miscellaneous user fields

Ø  You can use these twenty one total fields to map practically any Excel file into Bid Wizard

Ø  Description is used in the displays and outputs and is useful for verification that the correct match is being made

Ø  Unit of Measure is also used in the displays and also useful for comparison

Ø  Sell Price is where you would map an Excel column that contains a selling price, usually the price the customer is currently paying

Ø  Cost Price is where you would map a cost, what you pay for products, and is usually used in GP calculations or price strategies

Ø  Factor is a unit of measure conversion factor and can be used to convert units to a different unit of measure

Ø  Usage is typically the quantity the customer has purchased for a given period of time. This can be used to extend your output to include the total opportunity dollars

Ø  The five User Text fields can be used to map any text field such as a department name, category name or any other text

Ø  The five User Number fields can be used to map any number field such as pack quantity, number of orders or any other numeric column in your Excel file

Ø  The five User Price fields can be used to map any currency field such as average price, price from another vendor and any other all currency field

Ø  Mapping the wrong kind of data to the wrong column in your Excel file will result in no data for that column, like importing an item description column into Sell price

Ø  Once you have completed all the entries on this page, click the Next Button

Ø  The Advanced Matching page will be shown - See the Advanced Matching topic for more information about this function

Ø  Leave the option set to Match Anywhere

Ø  Click the Submit Button to import, match and map your Excel file to Bid Wizard

·         A progress page will be displayed and refreshed as the matching occurs

·         You can wait on the matching to complete, or click Logout at the top of the page and come back later

Ø  Very large files with tens of thousands of items can take ten to fifteen minutes to process

Ø  To return to the bid, log back in, click the Bid Wizard toolbar link, then the Bid ID

Ø  See the additional Bid Wizard topics for what to do with your bid next