Market Xpert Help Library
Help Topics:
- General Information
- Training Resources
- Introduction
- Item Search
- Bid Wizard
- Price Strategies
- Ink & Toner Finder
- Reports
- Settings
- Preferences
- Market Xpert Basics
- Item Search
- Search Basics
- Search Results List
- Quick View
- Add Item to Bid
- Item Details
- Details Overview
- Competitive Data
- Substitutes
- Additional Sources
- Stock Check
- Bid Wizard
- Introduction
- Whats New?
- Create a New Bid
- Edit Functions
- Export Functions
- Schedule Functions
- My Presentations
- Price Strategies
- Ink & Toner
- Reports
- Custom Settings
- Preferences
- Overview
- Stock Check Setup Guide
- Chain Flags
- Manufacturer Information
- Essendant Facilities
- SPR Facilities
- IT - Site Options
- V1 - SP Richards EDI
- V2 - Essendant EDI
- V4 - Azerty EDI
- V6 - Supplies Network EDI
- V7 - Lagasse EDI
- VA - SPR Canada EDI
Introduction to Creating a Bid
When you click the "Start a New Bid" button on the Bid Wizard home page, the following dialog will open:

Take note of the 'This bid will be based upon:' dropdown list box.
The Bid Wizard currently supports three types of bids; My Excel File, Wholesaler Data and Favorites Lists.
Instructions for creating the three types of bids can be found using the following links:
Creating a new bid the first few times can be intimidating so please pay close attention to the instructions!